Saturday, February 21, 2015

Book Review : The Young Elite

Hello Bookwormers!

Today’s review is a young adult fantasy book, THE YOUNG ELITE but Marie Lu.

I went into this book already a fan of Marie Lu. I’ve read her Legend series and LOVE LOVE Day and June and was super excited when I found out about this one. Being Asian I’m always excited about diverse author and diverse protagonist. (Do recommend any books with a diverse characters to me, please.)

<The Young Elite>

Adeline who is our female protagonist possess a dangerous power after surviving the blood disease, which has left her with silver hair and her left eye gone. Those who survive are label, Malfetto, but not all Malfetto possess powers. Many fear them and deem them demonic and a curse. She is rescued by a Young Elite name Enzo who is in the Dagger Society from execution when she accidentally killed her father by unleashing her powers at him. There the Dagger Society will train her how to use her power and help them with their plan for all young elite.

This book is nothing like Marie Lu’s Legend series. Its a lot darker and… sexy… can I say that?Not romance novel sexy but sexy in a, ‘I wasn’t expecting that’ kind of way… a good way.

Marie Lu did say that she wanted to write from the villain POV, and I have to say I can totally see the villain in Adeline. There are times when she is just so inhumane and has no care at all, especially (SPOILER) when she killed Dante, who I didn’t think she needed to kill in the first place. I mean I know its from her hatred for her father but she sometimes scares me. She’s just helping her sister, I know, but did Dante have to die like that when he was just following her? hmm…

I still not sure who is the male protagonist in this book. Is it Enzo or Teren? Enzo? Teren? Many might say it’s Enzo, but somehow I have this thing for Teren, who is the Inquisitor Axelis, the one who was about the execute Adeline and is holding her sister, Violetta in his procession. He soon find Adeline and wants her to play spy for him or he will hurt her sister. Now Adeline is not sure what to do. Spy for Teren so her sister wont get hurt or betray the young elite who saved her from execution.

FIrst of all, did Enzo ever loved Adeline? Does anyone know? I am left with an empty feeling about Enzo and Adeline. Actually I’m left with not much of an attachment for Enzo. I thought he was written quite mysterious and kind of flat, but I have a feeling that we might see him again..? right…? I mean, Marie Lu won’t do that to us, right?

It’s another one of those books where they go through training because the protagonist is unsure of her powers or what is actually going on around in their world and pretty clueless that she might have the most powerful ability of them all. I like the fact that she’s flawed with a missing eye and isn’t perfect or have guys lusting after her. Marie Lu is pretty good at not having a love triangle, which I’m not a huge fan of unless the author has a nice way of working with it.

My favorite Character: Rafeale

When I read about him, he somewhat reminded me of, Hotohori from, Fushigi Yuugi. Love his character! He’s kind and caring and very colorful, but this character though seem to do a very sharp turn at the end and kind of scared me a little too. I mean I think I could understand though.

But the ending though…
Marie Lu, you killed me with the ending!!! I cannot wait for the second book. My heart hurts!!!
Over all, I give this book a 4.5 stars out of 5 because I’m still a hopeless romantic and I felt like Enzo only kissed and cared for Adeline because she reminded him of his pass lover.



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