Sunday, March 1, 2015

Finished Series

"So many books, so little time."

There are many many series in the young adult books, even prequel to a sequel. Companion books, series that are up to six books and more. Prequel that has more then one books and same with sequel.

I’ve read a lot but its hard to actually finish a whole series because; 1) I don’t really want the series to be finish, therefore I put it on hold as long as I can, 2) there are too many books I want to read and want to get into their world too and 3) sometimes its just because they change the covers and it delays me from buying it because it doesn’t match the cover I have. I know the last reason is pretty lame, but hey, I like to have matching covers.
So here are my very first five series that I finished when I started reading again since years of reading slump.

Series 1

I like to think that this series was the series that started it all and made me realized that not every young adult books are about an over protected boyfriend and a female protagonist falling for a werewolf and a vampire. For some reason when I thought of young adult books at that time, I only saw vampire and werewolf and love triangle. I know I’m was bad for stereotyping YA at that time, but i learned quickly and Peeta won my heart and it was also my first dystopian book, so I was mind blown away with everything.

Series 2

This series was something different. There wasn’t a love triangle or much romance going on throughout all three books, but it was one of those books that did just fine without a lot of romance. It still kept me reading and turning the pages with the strong female protagonist and the colorful and dying world. Very unique and interesting world that Lauren Destefano created.

Series 3

I fell in love with Jem Carstairs in this series and he instantly became my book boyfriend. I’ve always love anything historical, and this series took place in the late 1800’s plus it has a steampunk feel to it. Demands and angels, vampires and wizards, reminds me of stories I would tell when I was younger. Such a great book with a beautiful ending!!!

Series 4

I’m Asian, therefore I love reading any books with diverse characters in it. That is why I instantly fell in love with Jem from The Infernal Devices series, but this book made me a fan from the first book, Legend. So many emotions and feelings!!! Day, a criminal on the run with his blond hair and blue eyes (for an Asian, that’s pretty awesome) and June who is after him for murdering her brother. Marie Lu did a pretty job good with this world and a pretty hot Day!

Series 5

Ahhh… Fourtris. I picked this book up after many hype on the book tuber community and didn’t have any idea what this book is really about. I'm going to be honest, I didn't like the first book as much as the first movie, but I am still a fan of the book. With Divergent, I can say that I read the book first before the movie was ever made. The ending killed me though, but I liked how Veronica Roth didn’t stick with the typical ending that all of us were just waiting for. I loved the ending! Good job, Veronica!
I took the test and I'm Amity, by the way.

These are just my first five series, very typical series. All very well known and popular in the book community. I'm looking forward to finishing more stand alone and more series and so on. One can never have enough books.

Avoir for now!


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